Patient Profile

Female Patient Profile

Day Month Year
Enter your family doctor’s name, address and contact number (or NONE)
Enter names of medications and the reactions you had (or NONE)
Pharmacy Name and City of Pharmacy (or NONE)
Enter names of medications, strengths and frequencies (or NONE)
Enter your over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs, etc.
Please share your current medical history below:
Enter your conditions (or NONE) – This is not the reason for the appointment
Please share your past medical history below:
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Enter types of operations or procedures (e.g. colonoscopy), the reasons and years
Enter names of hospitals, the reasons for admission and years
Enter descriptions of problems or injuries, the outcomes and years
Please indicate the relationship (state paternal or maternal) and approximate age of onset for blood relatives with any of the following conditions:
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Please share your social history below:
Enter what exercise you do, how often, and how long each time (or NONE)
Indicate your status below, and if you are or were a smoker then enter here the number of times per day, number of years and year stopped if applicable
Indicate your status below, and if you are or were a vaper then enter here the number of times per day, number of years and year stopped if applicable
Indicate your drinking habits below, and if you are an ex-drinker enter here the year you stopped
Drinks per day on average: 0
Drinking days per week on average: 0
Indicate your drug habits below, and if you have ever used drugs enter here what drugs, how often and when last used
Enter any obstetrical complications here, and the number of obstetrical events below
Pregnancies: 0
Term deliveries: 0
Preterm deliveries: 0
Miscarriages: 0
Pregnancy terminations: 0
Living: 0
Enter your occupation or one of the following: Student, Retired, Disability, Social assistace
Enter your pastimes (or NONE)
Day Month Year
Day Month Year
Day Month Year
Please share your screening tests below:
Month Year
Month Year
Month Year


Patient Profile for Males
Day Month Year
Enter your family doctor’s name, address and contact number (or NONE)
Enter names of medications and the reactions you had (or NONE)
Pharmacy Name and City of Pharmacy (or NONE)
Enter names of medications, strengths and frequencies (or NONE)
Enter your over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs, etc.
Please share your current medical history below:
Enter your conditions (or NONE) – This is not the reason for the appointment
Please share your past medical history below:
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Age of onset
Enter types of operations or procedures (e.g. colonoscopy), the reasons and years
Enter names of hospitals, the reasons for admission and years
Enter descriptions of problems or injuries, the outcomes and years
Please indicate the relationship (state paternal or maternal) and approximate age of onset for blood relatives with any of the following conditions:
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Relationship and age of onset
Please share your social history below:
Enter what exercise you do, how often, and how long each time (or NONE)
Indicate your status below, and if you are or were a smoker then enter here the number of times per day, number of years and year stopped if applicable
Indicate your status below, and if you are or were a vaper then enter here the number of times per day, number of years and year stopped if applicable
Indicate your drinking habits below, and if you are an ex-drinker enter here the year you stopped
Drinks per day on average: 0
Drinking days per week on average: 0
Indicate your drug habits below, and if you have ever used drugs enter here what drugs, how often and when last used
Enter your occupation or one of the following: Student, Retired, Disability, Social assistace
Enter your pastimes (or NONE)
Day Month Year
Day Month Year
Day Month Year
Please share your screening tests below:
Month Year